Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On my way to a 5K

Hi Everyone,
   Ashley here to update all of you on my progress with the couch to 5k program I found here.  I have also downloaded an application on my phone called "Rundouble"  it is set up like a 5K program and also has a pretty cool speaking feature that tells me when to warm up, run, briskly walk, run and then cool down.  I like having the timed feature so I can't be too easy on myself and not really run when I'm supposed to.   I've got a long way to go before I can be comfortable out there running but I'll get there, one thing I do have is quite a bit of confidence about this.   Anyway, Spring has sprung here in Illinois so I've been getting outside often and have bumped up my walking to 3miles.  I'm not comfortable doing this yet and find myself a little out of breath going uphill still, again something that will come with time. 

So on my way to a 5k I've:
  • Purchased my first official pair of running pants (no more unofficial sweats for this girl!)
  • Researched some shoes that I'll only wear for running ; so far my top two choices are these which are from Reebok.  I tried them on this weekend and I liked them because of the flexibility and lightweight feel and these which are from New Balance.  I haven't tried these on yet but when searching for a shoe with the comfort features I want, I got these as a result and do plan to do more research on them. 
  • Gone from just simple short walks, to 1 mile, 1.5 miles, 2 miles, 2.5 miles and now I'm at 3miles.
  • Found myself really studying different routes and apps.
  • Also found myself ridiculously excited about running quotes.
  • Now I listen to the beat of songs on the radio to determine if its a "good" running song.

This is my "On my way to 5k"  to-do list:
  • Purchase more official running clothes
  • Purchase running shoes
  • Jog/Walk a mile for a week then move up until I hit 3miles
  • Jog/walk with a buddy to keep pace
  • Sign up for my first 5K!

At this point, I'm content taking my time, I really don't like how it makes me feel when people pressure me to do more than I feel I can.  This has already been an experience for me but I like it so far.  Now that I am totally like Amy and want to enjoy this running thing I'll quote her by saying

"If you push yourself too hard you're going to hate it"   So here's to taking my time, keeping my pace and feeling love instead of hate!!

Also Congrats to Sisters, Spaces and Stuff as this is post will make 101 for us!  Woo hoo!

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